Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why can only government departments and entities use the site ?

A: By limiting access to government departments and entities, our platform establishes a secure, efficient, and impactful system that fosters a circular economy within the public sector which cannot work with outside profitable organisations. This focused approach maximises resource utilisation promotes responsible stewardship, and exemplifies government leadership in sustainability initiatives.


Q: When I find what I want how do I make contact with the seller ?

A: Their details will be on the products page.


Q: What condition should my item/product be in to put onto C.A.M. ?

A: The rule of thumb is “Don’t Put Up What You Wouldn’t accept Yourself”


Q: What’s the “Scroll” Asset Management Tool ?

A: The Scroll. is a built-in asset management system that simplifies asset tracking and depreciation calculations. By logging all your asset information, you can easily manage and maintain a comprehensive inventory of your assets. The system automatically applies depreciation rates to each asset based on its specified depreciation percentage, ensuring accurate valuation over time. Additionally, it automatically generates unique asset codes, eliminating the need for manual coding and reducing the risk of errors. This asset code is unique across all government departments.


Q: OK I’ve bought something on C.A.M. how can I get it to my office ?

A: So you’ve acquired something on C.A.M. and you need it delivered to your office from another department. You may use your own facilities team to collect it or you can click on the transport page and contact our selected transport provider.


Q: How much does it cost to subscribe to C.A.M. ?

A: It’s €160 + Vat to subscribe for a year for full access plus full access to Asset Management Scroll, the launching year 2024 – 2025 is free.


Q: What’s the best way to photograph my item/product to upload onto C.A.M. ?

A: The trick is to capture the item while it’s in situ, before you dismantle it or put it into storage otherwise it’s very difficult to visualise the product dismantled.The more photos the better.


Q: I’ve already dismantled the item and didn’t take any photos, what should I upload ?

A: Try get a photo of the product off the internet to give an idea of what your item looks like, but let the potential buyer know that the photo you downloaded is not the actual item. Upload photos of the dismantled item and emphasise that all the bits and parts are there.


Q: What is a book value ?

A: An Asset book value is the accounting value of an asset as it appears on a balance sheet. It is calculated by taking the original cost of the asset and subtracting any accumulated depreciation or amortisation. Asset book value is an important metric for understanding the financial health of a company.






Q: What is a circular economy ?

A: A circular economy is an economic model that aims to eliminate waste and pollution by designing products and systems that can be reused, repaired, recycled, or remanufactured. This contrasts with the traditional linear economy, which is based on a take-make-dispose approach that generates large amounts of waste and environmental damage. Circular economy principles can be applied to various sectors, including manufacturing, agriculture, construction, and waste management. By adopting circular economy practices, businesses, governments, and individuals can contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future.




Q: I have an item that has no book value how do I price it on C.A.M ?

A: “If an asset has no book value, it should be recorded at €0 on CAM. Even though your organisation may find or not find this asset valuable it’s still €0 and all government entities are none profitable organisations. This item could be highly beneficial to another organisation with a smaller budget. Donating or selling this asset at a low price could provide significant value to another organisation and reduce your organisation’s storage costs.”


Q: I have an Item I’d like to upload onto the site but I can’t find a category.

A: Just drop us an email and one of our team will contact you and we can either be able to help over the phone or we’ll arrange to install a category for you. [email protected]