How it works

Our platform enables government entities, schools, and other government organisations to seamlessly reuse items like furniture and IT equipment. This promotes a circular economy, minimising waste and curbing unnecessary purchases, benefiting suppliers, buyers, taxpayers, and the environment.


Steps to Get Started:

  1. Apply to Join
    • Submit a request to join.
    • This process ensures that only government entities gain access for security reasons.


  1. Create a Profile
    • Once approved, log in with your username and password.
    • Create your profile to start using the platform.


  1. Browse for Items
    • Search for items you need from other government organisations.
    • Items are priced based on their current book value.


  1. Request an Item
    • When you find an item, contact the listed person to arrange payment and collection.


Using Scroll as an Asset Management Tool:


Scroll is an optional asset management tool to keep all assets organised.

  1. Add a New Product


  • Title: Enter the name of the item.
  • Current Book Value: Enter the item’s current value.
  • Depreciation Percentage: Enter the annual depreciation percentage.
  • Original Purchase Price: Enter the original purchase price.
  • Purchase Order Number: Enter the PO number originally used to buy this item.
  • Location: Specify where the item is located (e.g., 3rd floor boardroom).
  • Category: Select the relevant category.
  • Short Description: Enter a brief description.
  • Save Product: Save to generate an asset tag number.
  • Disposed: Enter Date (Only if the item is disposed of).





Selling an Item:


Option 1: If Using Scroll as an Asset Tool.

  • Select Scroll.
  • Find your asset tag number and hover your curser over the product and click publish.
  • Click Edit and Upload product images and save changes.
  • Your product is now Live.


Option 2: Without Prior Asset Tag

  • Add New Product
    • Title: Enter the name of the item.
    • Current Book Value: Enter the item’s current value.
    • Depreciation Percentage: Enter the annual depreciation percentage. (Optional)
    • Original Purchase Price: Enter the original purchase price. (Optional)
    • Purchase Order Number: Enter the PO number. (Optional)
    • Location: Specify where the item is located. (Optional)
    • Category: Select the relevant category.
    • Short Description: Enter a brief description.
    • Upload Photos: Add photos of the item.
    • Scroll down to Other Options, select visibility, and choose Visible.
    • Save Product.




If you need transportation for your item and don’t have a preferred company, visit our Transport page for suggestions. Please note, we do not take responsibility for transport services and only provide suggestions.